Jaclyn Pytlarz
Dolby Laboratories
Staff Researcher
Wednesday Technical Session Primers
HDR and WCG Image Quality Assessment Using Color Difference Metrics
Pradeep Ramachandran
Multicoreware Inc
Principal Engineer
Speed-Distortion Optimization: Tradeoffs in Open Source HEVC Encoding
Pierre Hugues Routhier
Canadian Broadcasting Company
Advanced Imaging Technologies Specialist
How Will We Archive and Preserve the Movies of Tomorrow ?
Wednesday Technical Session Primers
Roger Wyckoff Schwenke
Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc.
Senior Scientist
A New Signal for Measuring Loudspeaker Maximum Linear SPL
Jeffrey Shapiro
Exceptional Minds
Executive Director
Moving Expectations Forward: A Story by Jeffrey Shapiro
Doug Shelton
Net Insight
Manager, PreSales Engineering, Americas
Live Cloud Ingest Using an Open Approach to RIST, SRT and Retransmission Protocols
John Shike
Key Accounts Manager
Engagement with the Next-Gen: SMPTE’s Role in K-12, Higher Education, and Other Institutions
Steve Sneddon
Sr VP, Production Engineering
Large Scale Deployment of SMPTE ST 2110: The IP Live Production Facility
Randy Thom
Skywalker Sound
Director of Sound Design
The Creative Process of Designing Today’s Movie Soundtracks - Produced by AES
Yvonne Thomas
DTG (Digital TV Group)
Strategic Technologist
How millennials grow in the Media Industry: A Story by Yvonne Thomas
Tuesday Technical Session Primers
Simon Thompson
Brtish Broadcasting Corporation
Senior R&D Engineer
A novel method for the simultaneous creation of live, HDR and SDR video.
Mark Turner
Entertainment Technologists Inc.
Charting the Course to the Future: MovieLabs’ Vision for Navigating the Next 10 Years of Content Creation
Willem Vermost
Senior IP Media Technology Architect
How we Tested the Media over IP Devices to Build our New Facility
Brian A. Vessa
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Executive Director, Audio Mastering
The Creative Process of Designing Today’s Movie Soundtracks - Produced by AES
The Nuts and Bolts of Designing and Installing a Cinema/Dubbing Stage Sound System for Today’s Soundtracks - Produced by AES
Terry Virts
One More Orbit
Astronaut, Col.
Been There and Made That: An Intimate Conversation with Todd Douglas Miller and Col. Terry Virts
Mikael Wånggren
Net Insight
Product Owner
Live Cloud Ingest Using an Open Approach to RIST, SRT and Retransmission Protocols
Jack Watts
Trench Digital Ltd.
Automated VFX Pipeline for the Purpose of Servicing the Creation of Downstream Masters
Bernard Weiser
Entertainment Industry Professionals Mentoring Alliance
Maximizing Your Career and Its Potential
Leigh Whitcomb
Whitcomb Consulting
How to Successfully Commission a SMPTE ST 2059/PTP System
A Practical Guide to Securing SMPTE ST 2110 Systems
Kelly White
Disney Parks
Sr. Director, Operational Intelligence
CODE: Rosie: Using Disney Magic to Increase Gender Diversity in Tech: A Story by Kelly White
Josh Winstead
Amazon Web Services
Technical Marketing Engineer
Beam Me Down Scotty: Using the Cloud for Live Streaming from Space
Tomasz Witkowski
Sundog Media Toolkit Ltd
Senior Workflow Engineer
Automated VFX Pipeline for the Purpose of Servicing the Creation of Downstream Masters
Christopher Witmayer
Director of Broadcast, Production and New Media Technology
Influence: A Story by Chris Witmayer
Wednesday Technical Session Primers
Chris Zembower
Systems Architect
“Using Infrastructure-As-Code and the Public Cloud to Power On-air Media Creation Platforms”
Michael Zink
Warner Bros.
VP Emerging & Creative Technologies
Film Grain and Film Scanner Noise in HDR Video
Marc Zorn
eZorn Consulting Group
Independent Consultant
Why does traditional corporate infosec not fit M&E? Let's examine a more effective approach.
Jake Zuena
Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
Engineer, Applied Vision Science
An Investigation of Creative Power and the Value Wide Color Gamut Brings to Motion Picture Mastering