Full Name
James Helman
Job Title
Speaker Bio
Jim Helman is CTO of MovieLabs, a technology joint venture of the five major Hollywood studios. Jim co-founded MovieLabs, where he has led cross-industry initiatives including driving worldwide standards for high dynamic range video and building the Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR). He leads MovieLabs' security work, including cloud security and the development of the MovieLabs Enhanced Content Protection Specification, which established a hardware level of robustness for 4K consumer devices.

Prior to joining MovieLabs, Jim held engineering leadership positions at Silicon Valley companies building real-time 3D graphics, VR, web and multimedia products. He has consulted extensively for leading companies and venture capitalists on intellectual property, R&D spin-offs, and video technologies. Jim has Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Applied Physics from Stanford University.
James Helman